the book

October 27, 2003

Bullenhuser Damm Memorial

Simone will read from Facing the Lion . The Memorial commemorates the death of 20 Jewish children who were hanged by the Nazis after the children had undergone medical experiments.

October 26, 2003

Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial

Events will include public readings from Max Liebster's memoir, Crucible of Terror , which is being released today under the German title Hoffnungsstrahl im Nazisturm (Beacon of Hope in the Nazi Storm).

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January 27, 2003

Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent Campus, UK

The UK paperback edition of Facing the Lion will be released with a special program including lectures by Professor Christine E. King, president of Staffordshire University, and Professor Eileen Barker, London School of Economics.
Seating is filled.

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Abridged Edition
January 25, 2003 Rheged Discovery Centre Penrith, Cumbria, UK

Simone and other survivors of Nazi persecution will share their experiences with an audience of about 800 as part of Holocaust Memorial Day.
November 27, 2002 Cultural Center of Luxembourg

Simone will give a public reading at 7 p.m. in the Salle des Fêtes of the Cultural Center, St. Joseph Street.

October 8-14, 2002 Frankfurt Book Fair 2002

Simone will present a reading of Facing the Lion at this international book fair that draws 6,700 exhibitors and 150,000 visitors.

October 5, 2002 Cultural Center of Konstanz

Simone will give a public reading of Facing the Lion in the city where she was imprisoned in a Nazi reform school.

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